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Maintaining safety and reliability of a project is key in optimizing the smooth operation of the plant that

has been successfully operated. For this reason, we fulfill client needs by preparing:

(i) Operational activities such as planning, system development and training.

(ii) Consulting services in optimizing reliability, security and profit.

(iii) Planning the process of maintenance and implementation

In detailed, we have capability such as

1. Developing Asset Integrity Job

 - Implementation A-MIS program for calculation of remaining life and corrosion rate in the plant, especially for Refinery, Petrochemical plant, etc.

 - Implementation T-MIC program in the plant, especially for Refinery, Petrochemical plant, etc.

 - Implementation RCM-RAM Study, including RBI study.

 - Implementation other JGC software, such COMPASS, PREDICT, etc

 - O&M assessment program in order to study for re-operation the plant after stopping for long time period.

2. Turn Around (TA) and maintenance job

  Turn Around (TA) is an activity for shutdowns and/or outgases of plant. Kind of projects of TA such as I&Ts (inspection & testing), debottlenecking projects, revamps and catalyst regeneration projects.

  Maintenance Program : Industrial plant need to periodically and routine maintenance by monthly, yearly and/or as per occasion period

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