PT JGC Indonesia's CSR program in Project Sambu II has been carried out in collaboration with residents and the government in Gerem village, Gerogol Regency, Cilegon. As a form of concern for the local environment, JGC Indonesia conducts CSR with the target community around the JGC Indonesia project. This CSR program aims to empower the community and increase awareness to preserve nature. One of the CSR programs implemented is the establishment of a waste bank.
This waste bank works with PKK women and Karang Taruna in Gerem Village. As a form of commitment, JGC Indonesia has donated 100 units of trash cans in December 2019 as the first stage which will later be managed by women "Cahaya Mandiri". Furthermore, for waste recycling, training is carried out in collaboration with the local environmental service for recycling waste into creative items that can be resold. The second stage of this CSR program is the provision of computers, scales and tools needed in "Cahaya Mandiri" waste recycling.
The hope of the JGC Indonesia CSR program is to increase awareness for waste recycling in the community of Gerem Village, Cilegon.