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JGC formed a Japan-U.K. consortium in 1989 with BP, MITSUI & CO., LTD., and Foster Wheeler, an engineering firm based in the U.K., and landed the contract for this project from PERTAMINA, which was completed in 1994.

The goal of this project was to produce petroleum products with higher added value through the refining of locally produced heavy crude oil for supplying the domestic market. The scope of the consortium was EPC (engineering, procurement and construction) and commissioning, in addition to off taking the products, and even cooperating in taking out a non-recourse loan to finance the project, which at the time was a revolutionary idea.

In carrying out the project, training was provided for the client's operators at JGC's demonstration plant and Yokohama Office. The project also contributed to the creation of employment and industrial growth in Indonesia through the subcontracting of designing within the country, increasing the local procurement ratio, and hiring of over 8,000 local construction workers.

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