This project, hereinafter referred as Sambu II, involves the development and construction of 14 nos of API 650 tanks in 2 tank pits on a plot of land owned by Vopak and adjacent to its existing Merak site. These new tanks will add a storage capacity of 50,000 m3 to the existing Merak terminal and be used to store various chemicals at ambient condition.
The existing Jetty 1 (30,000 DWT) and Jetty 2 (16,000 DWT) in Vopak Terminal Merak (VTM) will be used for loading and/or unloading the Sambu II Product. An additional Truck Loading Facility consisting of 4 nos. of truck loading bays will be built to load the Sambu II products out from the terminal via truck and iso tankers. Four different kind of products will be involved in this facility, namely Product 1 (MEG), Product 2 (Base Oil), Product 3 (General Chemical), and Product 4 (Caustic Soda).